Wayne Anderson - Memories of Carroll Street

Wayne Anderson - Memories of Carroll Street

25th August 2014
Hi Everyone,

We received this email from Wayne Anderson who remembers growing up in Carroll Street, he retells some stories here.  If you know of/remember Wayne, please get in touch with me via this email address vixjoseph@gmail.com - and I will give you his contact email address should you wish to contact him.

Hi Victoria,

I was trawling through the Internet looking for a document when I stumbled upon the Cedars of Lebanon website.

What a marvellous repository of Dunedin Lebanese history.

I lived in Carroll St. in the late 1950s from the age of 7-10.

I lived with my Mother, and we had come from MacLaggan St. - where the Warehouse is now.

Apart from the two Gorinski boys I think we were the only non-Lebanese kids in the area.

I hooked up with Philip Coory – don’t know where he might be now.

Some others I remember are Trevor Palmer and his sister, Tony Joseph, Fred la Hood, Ken Khalil, and John Dell.

The Arabs lived across the road and Gordon George had the store on the corner.

As the only non-Catholics, the Gorinskis and I used to walk up the hill to High St. School while the others went to CBros., St. Edmunds, St. Dominics and St. Philomenas.

St. Patricks Day was always a bit of fun.

I would manage to get an orange ribbon from somewhere and wear it on my jersey, give a bit of cheek, and then run for my life up the hill.

Unfortunately I would always get caught sooner or later. Generally by some of the bigger girls.

I recall being marched into the middle of the street once and having my pants pulled down.

Another escapade was to ‘borrow’ on a Fri. night the bikes of the training college girls who lived on the corner.

In the dark of the night we would push them up to Stafford St. then freewheel all the way down Maitland St.

Once we tried it from High St. but crossing out of control across Stafford St. was just a bit too scary.

Apart from playing in the middle of the street, most of our time seemed to be spent in the Town Belt.

One abiding memory I do have is of one of the old people walking down Carroll Street going through the Rosary and mumbling away in what I now know as Arabic on his way to St Josephs,


Wayne Anderson
