Award for Digitisation Centre at Dunedin Public Libraries

Award for Digitisation Centre at Dunedin Public Libraries

25th November 2016
We are extremely proud to inform you all that the Dunedin Public Libraries was awarded the Community Builder Award at the 2016 National Digital Forum conference yesterday, for “forging an important relationship with the Cedars of Lebanon, the local Lebanese community in Dunedin to create a digitisation centre for the wider community.” 

Heritage Collection Librarian, Lorraine and Digital Outreach Coordinator Emma Milburn were in attendance to receive the award that recognises the work done to make Scattered Seeds the valuable tool it is, bringing a part of New Zealand’s digital culture and heritage to life.

Bernie Hawke, Group Manager Arts and Culture of the DCC said, “This is a significant national recognition for the work that would not have happened without the support and generosity of the Cedars of Lebanon Club.  Thank you again for your support to create this wonderful community cultural resource that Scattered Seeds is becoming.”

This is a wonderful acknowledgement of the hard work and collaboration between the Cedars of Lebanon Club and Dunedin Public Libraries, and we are very proud this project has had national recognition.